Please control and check the ordered goods at reception.
We inspect the quality of all articles before shipping.
If you like to return or exchange something, please contact us via email on before returning. We will check your request and send you a proof if we accept it.
Delivered goods can be returned within 14 days after shipping after you got a proof from us like explained above. The Goods have to be like new, that means: no damaged packages and no signs of usage. We reserve the right to not accept any exchanges / returns if the goods have signs of usage, the package is damaged or you didn’t contact us before returning.
The shipping costs for returning will not be paid by As a small independent store we are sorry we can't offer that service.
For already paid exchanges and returns you will get a voucher for our store of the amount of the order minus shipping costs and for incorrect delivery from our side a refund on your credit card / PostFinance-Card / Paypal / Post account.
No return on Sale Products.
If the parcel was damaged during shipping, you have to signal it to the carrier (swiss post) and us in the next 5 days after the delivery. In case of claim, the customer has to keep everything as delivered. The goods can only be used with the written approval from the shipping company or
If you changed your mind it is possible to cancel your order. You will get a refund minus the fee our payment service provider charges us for every successful payment. The fee (around 3%) depends on the amount of the order. Please contact us to get the exact amount of the fee.